Finished 9th April 2009

 *1000 pieces*
Through the ages: Renaissance
clockwise description, starting top left:

Romeo & Juliet - Illustration, 1595
Portrait of William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Book Illustration: "Le livre des femmes nobles" Boccaccio, 1410
The Sistine Madonna, Raffael, 1513
Adam & Eve, Dürer, 1504
Self Portrait, Dürer (1471-1528)
"The young Hare", Dürer, 1502
"The Creation of Adam", Michelangelo, 1511/12
"The Spring", Botticelli, 1477
"Mona Lisa", da Vinci, 1503
"David", Sculpture, Michelangelo, 1501-1504
Angels, famous detail taken from below the "Sistine Madonna"
Mapa mundi, Dürer, 1515
St. Peter's Basilica, newly constructed 1506
French Fashion, 16th century
Portrait of Orlando Lasso, Composer (1532-1594)
Penitential Psalms, O. Lasso, 1560
"Praying hands", Dürer, 1508
"The Vitruvian Man", da Vinci, 1492
Portait of Leonardo da Vinvi, Universial Genius, 1452-1519
Portrait of Johannes Gutenberg, Inventor of book printing (1397-1468)
Book page from the bible, printed by Gutenberg, 1455
Portrait of Martin Luther, German Reformator (1483-1546)
Title Page of "Biblia", the german translation by Luther, 1534
Ornamental flowers - book printing from the Gutenberg bible, 1455
Portrait of Dante Alighieri, Italian Poet, 1265-1321
Second half of the Mapa Mundi by Dürer
Illustration: "The Divine Comedy", Alighieri, 1307-21

center: The Birth of Venus", Sandro Botticelli, 1482


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