Finished 14th september 2009

204 Pieces Micropuzzle
Gelini "Romantic evening"


1000 Pieces
Disneys Art Gallery


1000 Pieces
Miracolous Spring (Nave, Nave Moe)
Paul Gauguin

The worldfamous post-impressionist artist was born in Paris 1848 and died 1903 on the island Hiva Oa, Marquesas (Polynesia). 1891-1893 he lived in Tahiti. He had so many dreams about this paradise but the very day he arrived, he had to deal with reality: colonialism and christianism had their influence on people, culture and society. His paintings are documents.

After his return to France he had to deal with some bad things and so he decided to travel back to Tahiti just one year later. Due to severe financal problems and a bad health his situation became more worse. 1897 he tried to commit suicide with arsene but failed.

Finally in 1900 he had luck: a galerist in Paris offered him a kind of small salary and for the first time in his life Paul Gauguin was able to life from his art.


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