Finished 9th March 2011 + updated March 2015

 425 Pieces

The Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Churchill - Arrival of the Cortege at St. Paul's Cathedral
A Commemorative Jig Saw

Veltoy Games, made of thin cardboard
Age: approx. 1965+

Sir Winston Churchill (30.11.1874-24.1.1965) is named to be one of the most considerable statesmen of the 20th century. He served as prime minister for two times, led Great Britain through WW II and he's the only british prime minister to have received the Nobel prize of Literature.

By decree of the Queen, Sir Winston Churchill laid in state for three days and a state funeral service was held at St. Paul's. This is the moment shown in the Jigsaw: The cortege arrives at St. Paul's Cathedral.

It was the first time, the Queen attended the funeral.
He was buried in the family plot near hist birthplace, Blenheim castle.


Update March 2015

A link to the National Railway Museum which commemorates the 50th anniversary
of Churchill's Death in 1965


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