Under construction - started 14th March - update and completed 20h April 2014

 Alexander the Great visits the Studio of Apelles
Educa, Spain, 8000 Pieces

condition: used - pieces are in good condition, box is scratched severely, the picture on the box is faded on the right side.

size: 192 x 136 cm once finished

I decided to assemble it in four parts of 2000 pcs. each

update 17th March 2014

update 19th March: 1st Quarter is finished :-)

there are several gaps left - and a few pieces that fit perfectly, but they don't belong to this quarter.

Today I'll start with Quarter 2


update 25th March

update 27th March


update 30th March


I left the 2nd quarter uncompleted because there were too many dark pieces which did not fit. I guess they are hidden in the two left quarters. So I started to assemble the next bag:

update 6th April

+ update 8th April

the main characters

left: Campespe, mistress of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Apelles, famous painter of ancient Greece.

He was the only artist who was allowed to paint Alexander. And he was asked to paint Campespe, too. While working on her portrait, Apelles fell in love with her.After he finished his work, Alexander asked for the painting and gave Campespe as a gift to the painter....


update 10th April: No. 3 finished 

The miniature-painting on top is called "Apoll & Daphne" by Francesco Albani (1578-1660).
The measures are only 35x17 cm!

André le Nôtre, master gardener to the sun-king Louis XIV., was owner of this painting and gave it as a present to the king in 1693.


tomorrow I'll start assembling quarter No.4


Update 15th April


 this is a detail from Massys' "The Goldlender and his wife"


update 18th April

Part 4 is finished!

Now I have to close a big gap in quarter 2.... :-)))

... which was finished 20th April:

 Next step: I'll complete 8 parts to one complete jigsaw puzzle!

And - of course - I'll show it in a new post :-))))


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