Exhibition - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

There's a remarkable exhibition held at the Emil-Schumacher-Museum at Hagen.
On display are sketches and graphic reproductions of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901)

To find out more about the painter:

All pictures in this post were made by me and are published
with permission of the museum directory.

 Entry of the museum including the shop - the entrance fee is 9,00 €
Eingang zum Museum inklusiv Museumsshop - Eintritt für Erwachsene 9,00 €

The exhibition takes place in the roof light hall - the lights are curbed to conserve the work.
Die Ausstellung findet im Oberlichtsaal statt - das Licht ist gedimmt, um die kostbaren Werke zu schützen.

Worldfamous graphic reproductions of Aristide Bruants Comedies
on the left side: Le Photographe Sescau, 1894

 Some of the wonderful sketches 

 Jeanne Granier, 1898

 Detail of "Yvette Guilbert, Dans la Glu" 1898

Detail of "Blanchet et Noire", 1896

Detail of "Le Paddock", 1899

Detail of "Ce que dit la Pluie", 1895/96

Detail of "L'Amazone et le chien", 1898


Reine de la Joie (Queen of Joy), 1892

La Goulue, 1891

Detail of "Jane Avril",1899:

I'll visit the exhibition again...!


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