Finished 29th March 2015

150 Pieces

"Thorington Mill" - by Clive Madgwick
Reproduced by courtesy of Felix Rosenstiel's Widow & Son.

"Clive Madgwick is established as one of Britain's most popular and commercially successful artists. His clear, detailed style, coupled with an ability to distil the essence of the English landscape, provided him with a strong market for his original paintings and prints. Something which set Clive Madgwick apart from many landscape artists was his desire to represent the landscape in reality, rather than as it was. Consequently, whilst many painters depicted long-since passed scenes of horse-drawn carts at harvest time, Clive Madgwick preferred to turn his back on sentimentality and paint a tractor ploughing a field.

Born and bred in the Esher area of Surrey, Clive Madgwick's whole family was medical and, after attending Downs End School and Epsom College, he went on to study dental medicine at Guy's Hospital. The surprise to the family came when he turned from dentistry and became an artist. Wholly self-taught, he turned to painting full-time during his early middle age and consequently pursued a highly successful new career."

 An Optimago handcut wooden Jigsaw puzzle
Optimago is a british manufacturer who started producing in 1979 until 2005.


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