Development process of: Ciro Marchetti 2000 pcs. - completed

After assembling something OLD, I start assembling something NEW :-)

Ciro Marchetti: "Moated Castle" (2014) Source
Schmidt Spiele, Germany, 2000 Pieces

About the artist:Ciro Marchetti (Florida) is an award-winning artist from the United Kingdom. He studied art in London, followed by a career working in Europe and South America before settling in the United States where he opened a design agency in Miami. In addition to managing his company, Ciro also gives workshops and lectures on digital imagery and illustration at the Fort Lauderdale Art Institute, and continues to create his own visionary art. >> the artist's website

 will start today (20th May) by sorting the frame-pieces

Step one: the frame

22nd May 2015


I take my time to enjoy this wonderful jigsaw puzzle

red sails are always a bit mysterious, aren't they?

Let's sail across the sky with this amazing captive balloon -
as soon as it is completed, of course

Gates of artistic value

It's always impressive to bear a dragon on your banner
 25th May 2015


and off we go :-)))

on top: 26th May - below: 27th May :-)

step by step, part by part .... I really love this picture.
It looks amazing right now and it will be overwhelming once finished!


29th May


okay, it's time now to stop treating this jigsaw puzzle with reserve:
 yesterday evening, just before the semifinale of "Dancing with the stars" Germany

and afterwards (photo taken this morning)

assorted pieces: buildings on the left, skies in the middle and a mix of both on the right.
The small dot in the lower left corner (below the Tupperware box) is cardboard powder ...

only 90 minutes later:

time to take care of the household now ^^


magihabbi said…
Wow... ein sehr schönes Motiv!
Viel Spaß damit... wird bestimmt nicht all zu lange brauchen. ;-)

Lia said…
Das stimmt, es ist zauberhaft :-) ich freue mich schon auf die Details. Ich hoffe, dass sich die Schlossführung etwas hinzieht ;)

shalala said…
Könnte ja passieren, dass du es in der forumslosen Zeit fertig bekommst ;-)
Hätte ja auch fast in die Kategorie "blau" gepasst; mal gespannt was du uns da auftischst ...

Sanne (inkognito)
Lia said…
Ich lasse mich überraschen :D zum Glück liegen zwei freie Tage vor uns.... mal, sehen, was ich schaffe

LG Lia

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