Development process of a "Leopard" (1000pcs.) - updated 21st July

On 14th July - french national holiday - I started assembling
this wonderful and impressive portrait of a leopard by James Hautman
The manufacturer is KOSMOS, a traditional german producer of onlinegaming, 
tablegames, books and experiment-boxes for small scientists.

The jigsaw puzzle is dated 2006 - it was still wrapped in its original foil.

I was a bit afraid of the huge black parts in the background, but there was no reason to be shy:
the pieces fit together doubtlessly and smooth. While France played soccer against 
Croatia, I started assembling the frame


Toutes mes félicitations à l'Équipe Tricolore! 


Then I started assorting the stalks, the outline of the leopard and the whiskers:

completed :-)

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Thanks for sharing the great things that really helped me
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