Finished 29th December 2019
500 Pieces
"Am Freitag, den 26. Juni, wurde in der LTU arena in Düsseldorf die
Aktion „SOS: Ein Riesen-Hemd für Kinder“ der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
Diese Benefiz-Aktion zur Präsentation des größten Hemdes der Welt war
von der Walbusch Walter Busch GmbH & Co. KG anlässlich ihres
75-jährigen Jubiläums initiiert worden"
Friday, 26th June, a beneficary action named "SOS a giant shirt for children" has been presented by Walbusch to celebrate the 75th birthday of the manufacturer of quality shirts. The giant shirt was laid on the ground of the LTU Stadium in Düsseldorf, Germany. The giant shirt was made of 6000m fabrics and the buttons were as large as tires!
By the way: Walbusch tried to gain the world record together with the SOS Kinderdörfer. The jigsaw puzzle was made to commemorate this event in 2009.