I visited an exhibition in Hagen again - at long last - with paintings by Sylvester Stallone


... an exhibion called "Best of life" with more than 50 paintings by Sylvester Stallone. According to an interview (2010, Süddeutsche Zeitung, by Alexander Gorkow) Stallone adores Gerhard Richter.


Desinfection, approval of vaccination and a mask! Okay, let's go...

I was allowed to take photos for private use.

 Starting from the 1960ies

"Inferno", 1966 

"Hot Zone" (1966-71)

"Lucy in the sky with diamonds" (1967) - no idea if the song written by the Beatles inspired Mr Stallone, but it might be, because painting and song were "born" 1967.

"Finding Rocky" (1975)
Just before filming of "Rocky I" started in January 1976

"Death of a friend" (1977)
This one really touched me!
"Alter ego" (1988)


"Kept secrets" (1988)

"Rematch" (1988)

"Philosopher's Stone"(1988-91)

left: Backlash (1991)

"Last Round" (1991)

"Untitled / Michael Jackson" (2010)

2013 - 2018
From "Drama Queen" on the left to "Frustration" on the right

"Scarlet" (his daughter?), 2018

"Thoughtful" (2018)

"Civil Impact" (2020)

"Mad" (2020)



Interesting views of an artist, who also acts. Or an actor who also paints.
A few weeks from now I'll study portraits of a singer, who's also an excellent photographer.


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