Development process of an ancient egyptian wallpainting (1500 pcs.) - completed
It's time to share a development process again!
10 years ago I swapped this jigsaw puzzle from a friend and kept it safe in my stockpile. I opened the box several times, started to assort the pieces by frame, colour and so on... and kept it safe again. Thanks to my friend I started to open the box again - and this time it will be open until I assembled the jigsaw puzzle.
... so here we go:
Nebamun hunting in the marchesRavensburger, France, 2000
1500 pcs. including a facsimile print
Nebamun was a wealthy egyptian official who decided to show his way of life, how he wanted to be commemorized and how his afterlife should be like. He ordered wall paintings which have been in the so-called tomb-chapel of his grave. Nebamun died in the 14th century BC.
Hidden from destruction and light for ages, the wallpaintings and Nebamuns tomb have been discovered 1820. They are on display at the British museum, after a 10-year-restoration.
You may find them here
Last tuesday I opened the previously-filled bags and started to assort the remaining pieces