A hymn about fine chocolate

Selecting suitable snacks while solving puzzles can be difficult.  
I do not offer any food or drinks on the table when I have loaners
I avoid anything oily like chips or sugar-coated sweets as well.
 I prefer gummy bears, wrapped sweets or small pieces of chocolate
During that time, I came across the manufacturer  Tony's Chocolonely. 
 I would like to introduce this brand to you, which is not only committed to fair trade  
but also other values.

 The bars come with 180g (!) and a slogan:
Crazy about chocolate. Serious about people.

Not only do they want fair traded chocolate, they also want to end modern slavery. 
Globally. We all want to enjoy chocolate with a heroic background (yes, I am an idealist) 
and a good mind about the way it's been produced. 
 This is where I had my "Willy Wonka" moment. Remember when Charlie Bucket held 
a bar of chocolate in his tiny hands and carefully removed the foil to find his golden ticket?
I smoothed the foil so that you can guess the pattern of the bar

Here we go - a bar of chocolate (whole milk)

The pattern is unusual and creative, no "German" rectangular squares but 
various options to break it - and share it

 If you want to know more, much more about Tony's Chocolonely, you may follow this link. Learn about modern slavery and illegal child labor in  Africa - and how to avoid it.

This is not an advertising, I do not earn anything and I can not influence anyone to buy cheap or better chocolate. It is only an impulse to be more conscious with global resources and the people who have to deal with them.

Sometimes it's worth thinking about 
eating less but higher quality.


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